Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Going Paperless Through the Juvenile Offender Tracking System Essay

Going Paperless Through the Juvenile Offender Tracking System - Essay Example Although there has been a decrease of juvenile offenders in the Harris County (Harris County, 2010), there is still a need of keeping the records and tracing juvenile offenders; though there are only a few of them left, the community’s safety should not be risked. The Juvenile Offender Tracking System (JOTS) is the technology used by the Harris Country Juvenile Records Department in keeping track of the youth offenders in their jurisdiction. According to a report by the Justice Information Management System in Harris County (2002), the said technology is used to track misdemeanor by juvenile offenders and keep records of their acts since the first of January 1996. JOTS tracks, specifically, those whose age is â€Å"older than 9 and less than 17.† Texas is not the only state that uses technology as a way to keep an eye of their records. Internet has surely embraced by the justice system.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Karl Marx: The Structure-Agency Problem

Karl Marx: The Structure-Agency Problem A hugely influential revolutionary thinker and philosopher, Marx did not live to see his ideas carried out in his own lifetime, but his writings formed the theoretical base for modern international communism. Karl Marx (1818-1883), was a German economist, philosopher, and revolutionist whose writings form the basis of the body of ideas known as Marxism. One of Marxs most important intellectual influences was the philosophy of George Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831). Hegels signature concept was that of the dialectic, a word that originally referred to the process of logical argumentation and refutation. Hegels influence on Marx is evident in Marxs belief that history is evolving through a series of conflicts in a predictable, unavoidable direction. Hegel also influenced Marx in his characterization of the modern age. Marxs theory, which he called historical materialism is based on Hegels. Hegel claims that history occurs through a dialectic, or clash, of opposing forces. Hegel was a philo sophical idealist who believed that we live in a world of appearances, and true reality is an ideal. Marx accepted this notion of the dialectic, but rejected Hegels idealism because he did not accept that the material world hides from us. With the aid of Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) he produced much of the theory of modern Socialism and Communism. Marxism is the political philosophy and practice derived from the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxism holds at its core a critical analysis of capitalism and a theory of social change. The powerful and innovative methods of analysis introduced by Marx have been very influential in a broad range of disciplines. The economic and political theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that hold that human actions and institutions are economically determined and that class struggle is needed to create historical change and that capitalism will ultimately be superseded by communism. A Marxists thought is based on this daily practice, a philosophy called dialectics Thus, Marxism is both a theory and a practice. The theories of Marxism are sometimes called dialectical materialism; theory is based on a particular set of conditions that are always finite, and thus, any theory is necessarily limited. To test the validity of theory, Marxists rely on practice as the criteria of truth. Using such a methodology Marx and Engels examined history, which lead them to elaborate theories of the class struggle, the basis of social relations through economics, and the form of society that could follow capitalism. The bourgeoisie or capitalists are the owners of capital, purchasing and exploiting labour power, using the surplus value from employment of this labour power to accumulate or expand their capital. The proletariat are owners of labour power (the ability to work), and mere owners of labour power, with no resources other than the ability to work with their hands, bodies, and minds. Marx studied the differences arising between the bourgeoisie and proletariat. The bourgeoisie are interested mainly in developing a capitalist society, using advanced methods of production. The bourgeoisie are the capitalist who own the factories, the product made in the factories and controlled all the trade. The Proletariats have gained nothing in society but the thrill of their own labour. The proletariats feel that they are treated poorly from bourgeoisies; they receive only enough in life to survive and have no chance of achieving a higher, class status. The proletariats helped to improve production in society, which developed Capitalism and helped it to grow faster. The proletariats were not getting the wages they deserve for the labour that was accomplished. Marx wanted the proletariats to stand up to the bourgeoisie and cause a class conflict. The distribution of political power is determined by power over production (i.e., capital). Capital confers political power, which the bourgeois class uses to legitimatize and protect their property and consequent social relations. Class relations are political, and in the mature capitalist society, the states business is that of the bourgeoisie. Moreover, the intellectual basis of state rule, the ideas justifying the use of state power and its distribution, are those of the ruling class. The intellectual-social culture is merely a superstructure resting on the relation of production, on ownership of the means of production. Marx used the term mode of production to refer to the specific organization of economic production in a given socie ty. A mode of production includes the means of production used by a given society, such as factories and other facilities, machines, and raw materials. It also includes labour and the organization of the labour force. The term relation of production refers to the relationship between those who own the means of production (the capitalists or bourgeoisie) and those who do not (the workers or the proletariat). According to Marx, history evolves through the interaction between the mode of production and the relations of production. The mode of production constantly evolves toward a realization of its fullest productive capacity, but this evolution creates antagonisms between the classes of people defined by the relations of production-owners and workers. Capitalism is a mode of production based on private ownership of the means of production. Capitalists produce commodities for the exchange market and to stay competitive must extract as much labour from the workers as possible at the lowest possible cost. The economic interest of the capitalist is to pay the worker as little as possible, in fact just enough to keep the workers alive and productive. The workers, in turn, come to understand that their economic interest lies in preventing the capitalist from exploiting them in this way. As this example shows, the social relations of production are inherently antagonistic, giving rise to a class struggle that Marx believes will lead to the overthrow of capitalism by the proletariat. The proletariat will replace the capitalist mode of production with a mode of production based on the collective ownership of the means of production, which is called Communism. Marx describes how the worker under a capitalist mode of production becomes estra nged from himself, from his work, and from other workers. Drawing on Hegel, Marx argues that labour is central to a human beings self-conception and sense of well-being. By working on and transforming objective matter into sustenance and objects of use-value, human beings meet the needs of existence. Labour is as much an act of personal creation and a projection of ones identity as it is a means of survival. However, capitalism, the system of private ownership of the means of production, deprives human beings of this essential source of self-worth and identity. The worker approaches work only as a means of survival and derives none of the other personal satisfactions of work because the products of his labour do not belong to him. These products are instead expropriated by capitalists and sold for profit. In capitalism, the worker, who is alienated or estranged from the products he creates, is also estranged from the process of production, which he regards only as a means of surviva l. Estranged from the production process, the worker is therefore also estranged from his or her own humanity, since the transformation of nature into useful objects is one of the fundamental facets of the human condition. The worker is thus alienated from his or her species being, from what it is to be human. Finally, the capitalist mode of production alienates human beings from other human beings. Deprived of the satisfaction that comes with owning the product of ones labour, the worker regards the capitalist as external and hostile. The alienation of the worker from his work and of the worker from capitalists forms the basis of the antagonistic social relationship that will eventually lead to the overthrow of capitalism. The labour theory of value states that the value of a commodity is determined by the amount of labour that went into producing it. Marx defines a commodity as an external object that satisfies wants or needs and distinguishes between two different kinds of value that can be attributed to it. Commodities have a use-value that consists of their capacity to satisfy such wants and needs. For the purposes of economic exchange, they have an exchange-value, their value in relation to other commodities on the market, which is measured in terms of money. Marx asserts that in order to determine the relative worth of extremely different commodities with different use-values, exchange-value, or monetary value, must be measurable in terms of a property common to all such commodities. The only thing that all commodities have in common is that they are a product of labour. Therefore, the value of a commodity in a market represents the amount of labour that went into its production. The labour theor y is important in Marxs work not because it gives special insight into the nature of prices but because it forms the foundation of Marxs notion of exploitation. In the simplest form of exchange, people produce commodities and sell them so that they can buy other commodities to satisfy their own needs and wants. For Marx, the enterprise is the nucleus of class war both capital and labour are united by certain latent interests which, being contradictory, places them on the opposite sides of a conflict relation. Classes are conflict groups under conditions of absence of mobility, superimposition of authority, property, and general social status, superimposition of industrial and political conflict, and absence of effective conflict regulation. For Marx alienation is a physical and psychological condition which arises out of the conditions of modern work. Since the worker does not own what he produces, since he lives as an extension of the machine, since he hates what he does, then the worker does not own his own life, he is in a basic sense simply a human machine. He exists to himself as an alien object; the reality of capitalism for Marx is that it is not free. For Marx the connections between the theory of capitalism and the conditions of modern life are all too clear. Marx believed society was an evolving struggle. He believed Capitalism was an evolving structure. However, unlike Adam Smith, Marx did not believe this evolution was always smooth, nor did he believe it evolved for the best. In fact Marx, predicted the collapse of Capitalism. Marx placed great value on economic forces for explaining social structures. Marx examined society and argued that the wealth of capitalists was based on paying labour less than their true labour value (underpaid labour). This difference between the true labour value and the wages paid led to the accumulation of money capital. Workers were abused and disenfranchised. As capitalism developed, Marx predicted, workers would become increasingly alienated and seek to overthrow the capitalist class. Growth was not guaranteed but could become volatile leading to periods of economic slump. Marxists certainly point to the Great Depression of a vindication of how capitalism can fail.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Simpsons :: essays research papers

The Simpsons   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Simpsons† is a cartoon series produced by Gracie Films for Twentieth Century Fox and Fox Network. It began as a series for â€Å"The Tracey Ullman show† on April 19, 1987, and premiered as a series on December 17, 1989, in the 8pm-time slot. It started to be shown regularly on Sunday’s beginning on January 14, 1990. The second, third, fourth, and fifth season’s were brodcasted by Fox on Thursday nights in the 8pm time slot. It then returned to Sunday nights beginning with the sixth season. The first three season’s were animated by Klasky-Csuupo, who also worked on â€Å"The Tracey Ullman show.† Film Roman animated the fourth fifth and sixth seasons. Matt Groening changed television forever when he brought animation back to prime time with â€Å"The Simpson’s.† Groening also wrote and the fox entertainment series â€Å"Futurama.† â€Å"The Simpson’s† was Matt Groening’s introduction into the world of animation. Groening has also published many â€Å"Simpson Comics.† â€Å"Itchy and Scratchy† Bart and Lisa’s favorite cartoon. â€Å"Bartman†, Bart’s secret identity. â€Å"Radioactive Man†, Bart’s favorite comic book. Lisa Comics and Krusty Comics.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Simpson’s Family was created in fifteen minutes while Matt Groening waited in the foyer of James L. Brooks office. The Simpson’s family consists of six people. Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie, Grandpa, and Santa’s Little Helper, the family dog. Homer Simpson is 36 years old and weighs around 260 pounds. He works as the safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. His favorite foods are donuts, pork rinds, and Krusty Burgers. His favorite beverage is Duff Beer. Marge Simpson is 34 years old and weighs about 135 pounds. She has fears of flying and has been convicted of shoplifting at the Kwik-E-Mart. Her hair color is blue #56 and her favorite singer is Tom Jones. Grandpa is around the age of 65 and has two sons; Homer J. Simpson and Herb, the result of meeting a girl at a carnival one night. His real name is Abraham Simpson, he lives at the Springfield Retirement Castle and his favorite past time is napping.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are three children in the simpsons family; Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. Bart is ten years old and his idol is Krusty the Clown. His best freind is Millhouse and he is famous for classroom disruption, prank calls to Moe’s, practical jokes, and vandalism. Lisa is eight years old and admires Ralph Wiggum and Millhouse Van Houghte. Her hidden talent is picking winning football teams and her rival is Allison Taylor.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Accounting Theory Exam Review

Stock should not change by the change in accounting policy, two examples in book where this did not hold (1 . Employee stock option – authorities proposed that employee stock options be expense has no impact on cash therefore should have no impact on stock price but rice was falling strong indication that accounting policies do matter 2.Dry holes companies were allowed to amortize dry holes but there was no revenue generated so it does not make sense so the only holes you could amortize is the successful ones e holes where they found the oil.. Dry holes would be expensed does not affect cash flow therefore should not affect price of stock, companies who were amortizing dry holes saw their price fall – accounting policy does matter significance = accounting theory/policy matter.. Managers of a company are going to try and keep up the price f stock therefore they will do things that have an influence on price and determines the cost of capital)information that it trades o n is important -difference between positive accounting theory (predict what will happen?measure is how accurate it is) and normative theory (predicts what should happen?is a good theory if it is logical – ex single person decision theory) managers will shift the income into the current period in order to increase their bonus (difficult to measure the shifting of income).Come up with three hypothesis that would support the positive accounting theory 1 . Bonus plan (managers will try to move the Income into the period where Its going to benefit them) 2. Debt convenient (managers will try to avoid a default In the contractual arrangement of debt, try and Increase net Income If they are at risk of debt covenant) 3.Political cost (companies that are facing political heat will try and lower their net income so they can argue that they are not making that much money) change they can affect the contracts (one party may benefit and the other may lose out) -major problem with testing p ositive accounting theory = hard to measure the earnings management (many ways to do so but some are not so obvious? discretionary approvals) 2 versions of PAT 1. Opportunistic (managers do what's in their best interest) 2. Efficient contracting (managers do what's best for the company) – slight overlap†¦Efficient contract tends to be more common -firms targeted for takeovers and debt violators will increase income , share price is more correlated with net income then cash flow, limited use of derivatives, what are the implications of the evidence that the efficient contacts are dominate over opportunistic = owners f the company cannot run the company themselves therefore they hire agents, conflict is controllable. Chapter 9: conflict resolution: 3 kinds of agency contracts = 1. Rent (rent the company to the agent so principal receives fixed income and the agent gets profit and risk, agents are risk adverse) 2.Percentage of profit (second best?you pay a bonus to the mana ger, get a percentage of the profit.. Problem is the agents efforts are not seen until after they're actually paid.. Overcome by basing compensation on a performance basis) 3. Salary (first best.. You can observe the gent, principal takes all the risk – problem is moral hazard) they argue that you can create a contract that causes truth telling-could be a penalty for honesty, no restrictions on the contract, could be legal implications. Can agents be trusted?Can they get away with earnings management? To extent, gives them some leeway, cannot fake numbers too large extent, audits prevent this. People assume that managers are going to manage earnings and they'll manage to the greatest extent. Characteristics 1 . Sensitivity 2. Precision (put 10% more effort get 10% more change Advantages and disadvantages of using historical cost account= precise but not sensitive.. Market price is sensitive but not precise. (similar to the tradeoff of relevancy and reliability) why are change s to accounting policies controversial?Cue contacts are rigid. Chatter 10: executive compensation.. Second role for financial account- stewardship What two roles do.. Performance measures are used In aging contracts, establishes the value in the.. FAME argues that employment contracts are not needed because the manager relies on reputation, does that mean we do not need measurements? The labor markets are not efficient therefore you still need contracts and if you rely on the labor market it needs measurement. You need performance measurements.Someone predicted that employment contracts will be complicated and research determines its truth.. Historical cost on net income is precise but not sensitive should add another measure of share price. What's the problem with share price? Is sensitive but not precise. Should executives bear any risk? Yes they should need risk to ensure effort. Not too much risk though. Chapter 1 1: earning management.. 4 hypothesis to test theory 1. BATH †“ decrease net income as much as possible to set yourself up for a better bonus next time. Income minimization – try and increase income to get the bonus.. F you're over the bonus cap you would lower your income to save for next year. CAP(Max for bonus) vs.. BOGEY (min for bonus) Income smoothing happens at every level concept to reduce risk.. Rather than take all audits and accruals prevent from bad earnings management bad side? Misleading information, excessive write downs, 6 reasons why managers would manage earnings.. Bonus, debt covenant, political reasons, initial public offerings, monomaniac inside info to investors, to meet investors expectation.. Is earnings management consistent with efficient market theory?No semi strong theory share price fully reflects biblically known information Chatter 12: market forces should hold therefore you don't need any regulations. Demand for information and supply of information. Information is a public good no one pays for it there fore there's unlimited demand for it. Better disclosure will result in more investor interest, increase liquidity, more institutions trading, reduce estimation risk, narrower bids and asks and therefore lower cost of capital and interest rates. How do you define information? Should be more detailed, additional information, more credibility.Disclosure principal: market knows that the managers has information, if they do not release the info the market assumes its bad. But its not as bad as everyone thinks – flea. Foods the market know that the manager has the information? Release of the information may be costly and is disclosure truthful. If there's no regulatory body there's no guarantee info to reliable. High type (good company, try to differentiate themselves, adopt conservative accounting policies, not overstate assets, or understate expenses, use top auditing firms) and low type (poor company Chapter 13: standard setters political issues.. Public interest theory (first b est , regulators would set the quality and quantity in the best interest of society, problem what is the ideal amountÃ'› moral hazard kicks in)&& interest group (conflict between stakeholder, policies are best decided by hacking input by everyone) 2nd theory is best Principal vs.. 4 criteria for deciding successful standards? 1 . Decision usefulness 2. Reduce info asymmetry 3. No serious economic consequences and 4. Should be consensus MATH:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Paradox of Samsung’s Rise

The Paradox of Samsung's Rise, examines the strategic management decisions that led to Samsung's emergence as one of the world's most successful companies from an ordinary original equipment manufacturer just 30 years ago. Samsung Electronics transformed itself through a new management initiative in 1993 that combined Western best-practices with essentially Japanese management methods to produce a highly profitable hybrid system, resulting in recording breaking profits of $13.9 billion on $138 billion in revenue in 2010. As today’s emerging giants face the challenge of moving beyond their home markets, they have much to learn from the path breaking experience of South Korea’s Samsung Group, arguably the most successful globalizer of the previous generation.Twenty years ago, few people would have predicted that Samsung could transform itself from a low-cost original equipment manufacturer to a world leader in R&D, marketing, and design, with a brand more valuable than Pe psi, Nike, or American Express. Fewer still would have predicted the success of the path it has taken. For two decades now, Samsung has been grafting Western business practices onto its essentially Japanese system, combining its traditional low-cost manufacturing prowess with an ability to bring high-quality, high-margin branded products swiftly to market.Like Samsung, today's emerging giants—Haier in China, Infosys in India, and Koc in Turkey, for instance—face a paradox: their continued success requires turning away from what made them successful. The tightly integrated business systems that have worked in their home markets are unlikely to secure their future in global markets. Samsung has steadily navigated this paradox to transcend its initial success in its home markets and move onto the world stage.To move to the next level, they, too, must reinvent themselves in ways that may seem contradictory. And when they reach new plateaus, they will need to do so again. F or seven years, we have traced Samsung’s progress as it has steadily navigated this paradox to transcend its initial success in its home markets and move onto the world stage. It is a story we believe holds many important lessons for the current generation of emerging giants seeking to do the same.The Rise of a World Leader:The two sets of business practices could not have seemed more incompatible. Into an organization focused on continuous process improvement, Samsung introduced a focus on innovation. Into a homogeneous workforce, Samsung introduced outsiders who could not speak the language and were unfamiliar with the company’s culture. Into a Confucian tradition of reverence for elders, Samsung introduced merit pay and promotion, putting some young people in positions of authority over their elders. It has been a path marked by both disorienting disequilibrium and intense exhilaration.Founded in 1938, the Samsung Group is the largest corporate entity in South Korea , with $227.3 billion in revenue in 2010 and 315,000 employees worldwide. Best known for its flagship, Samsung Electronics (SEC)—producer of semiconductors, cell phones, TVs, and LCD panels—the group’s highly diversified businesses span a wide range of industries, including financial services, information technology services, machinery, shipbuilding, and chemicals.By 1987, when Lee Kun-Hee succeeded his father as only the second chairman in the company’s history, Samsung was the leader in Korea in most of its markets. But its overseas position as a low-cost producer was becoming untenable in the face of intensifying competition from Japanese electronics makers, which were setting up manufacturing plants in Southeast Asia, and rising domestic wages in South Korea’s newly liberalizing economy.In the early 1990s, Lee spotted an opportunity in the reluctance of Japanese companies—the analog market leaders—to adopt digital technology, whic h consumers were flocking to in cameras, audio equipment, and other electronic products. This opened the door for Samsung to surpass its rivals if it developed the agility, innovativeness, and creativity to succeed in the new digital market.Success Mantra:Hybrid strategy- Mix and Match of Japanese strategy and Western Strategy. Implementation of western strategy on Japanese strategy. Excellence in all department, such as, Marketing, Production, IT, Finance and especially in HR. The Hybrid Strategy: Diversification. Capital Management. Type of operation. Supplier Relation. HR aspects- -Type of Labor, -Recruitment, -Promotion and Compensation.Other Reasons: Outsiders in- Insider abroad policy. Diversification Advantage. Flexibility. Implementation of 6 sigma. Latest advanced IT systems. Financial positions.Conclusion:â€Å"If you act according to market, Market will react according to you†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Treatment Of Patients With A Dual Diagnosis Social Work Essay Essays

Treatment Of Patients With A Dual Diagnosis Social Work Essay Essays Treatment Of Patients With A Dual Diagnosis Social Work Essay Essay Treatment Of Patients With A Dual Diagnosis Social Work Essay Essay A mental wellness nurses position of the issues environing the intervention of patients with a double diagnosing of psychiatric upset and larning disablements in mainstream mental wellness units. This essay is traveling to research from a mental wellness nurses perspective the issues environing the intervention of patients with a double diagnosing of psychiatric upset and larning disablements in mainstream mental wellness units. Including a treatment around prevalence, proviso of services, entree to services, authorities policy and whether staff in mainstream mental wellness units have the cognition and accomplishments necessary to supply effectual attention for this potentially vulnerable service user group. The modern-day construct of larning disablements focuses on the physical and societal troubles that can happen as a effect of being labelled a individual with a learning disablement and how any damages a individual may hold impact them ( Swain et al, 2004 ) nevertheless it neglects to place the mental wellness issues people with larning disablements on a regular basis and more normally face If people who meet the diagnostic standards for boundary line acquisition disablement are included the prevalence of larning disablements in the UK equates to 12 % of the population or around 8 million people ( Hassiotis et al, 2008 ) It is by and large recognised that people with a larning disablement have a higher rate of psychiatric upset compared with the general population with the prevalence estimated at 40 50 % ( Raghavan and Patel, 2005 ) . In comparing to 10 20 % of the general population ( The Office for National Statistics, 2000 ) Assorted factors have been cited as being conducive towards this exposure including encephalon harm, centripetal damage, chronic physical ailment wellness, epilepsy, repeated loss or separation issues, hapless self-image, get bying mechanisms and societal accomplishments, communicating troubles and household jobs ( Fraser A ; Nolan 1995, Hardy et Al, 2007 ) Mental wellness nurses are specifically trained to handle a diverse group of people including kids and immature people, working age grownups, the aged and new female parents all with mental wellness jobs. Experiences from clinical pattern demonstrate an addition in the figure of people with larning disablements admitted to general acute mental wellness infirmaries and the increasing incidence of complications that can frequently come along with the attention of this group of people. These include jobs with appraisal and intervention, normally stemming from communicating troubles, behavioral issues and barriers to collaborative working between the acquisition disablements and mental wellness squads. They can frequently take to an addition in length of stay in infirmary and inappropriate or unequal attention being delivered. Problems arise for the most portion when a individual with a learning disablement develops a psychiatric upset to the extent that requires acute psychiatric admittance. It is now more common to happen that they are being admitted to general psychiatric beds under the attention of general grownup head-shrinkers and mental wellness nurses, many of whom have had small preparation in the appraisal and intervention of mental unwellness in this group. The communicating troubles people with a learning disablement may confront can do assessment highly complex. Peoples with larning disablements frequently require a longer stay and may besides be vulnerable ( i.e. Abuse and development ) without extra support on the ward. Peoples with a learning disablement may besides hold unusual presentations of common mental upsets due to encephalon hurt or other long standing conditions such as epilepsy taking to trouble in diagnosing and an idiosyncratic response to intervention. Furthermore, people with larning disablements represent a diverse group with a varied scope of complex mental wellness demands, which mainstream staff may experience ill-equipped to run into. Boundary disputes between general grownup and larning disablement services often lead to a decreased quality of attention for people with complex demands Death by Indifference ( Mencap, 2007 ) highlighted alleged attention weaknesss in general infirmaries and primary attention scenes It led to the constitution of an independent authorities enquiry in England. The enquiry unluckily did non widen to mental wellness services It found that there is small grounds refering the quality of attention received by people with larning disablements in these scenes but anecdotal grounds from pattern has indicated that it is sensible to believe mental wellness services face the same sort of jobs as general medical attention. It seems pertinent to undertake these issues head on in order to run into the demands of this client group who have a diverse scope of demands that can cross across all subdivisions of nursing and whose attention can endure as they seem to be on a regular basis forgotten or pushed to the underside of the heap Until 20 old ages ago, people with larning disablements did non usually come into contact with mainstream services. Most people with a learning disablement who had complex demands including mental unwellness, were cared for in specialist mental disability infirmaries, and all medical and psychiatric attention was provided on site. Deinstitutionalisation has transformed their attention and now this group can populate in the community and entree mainstream wellness services, irrespective of the grade of their disablements. This procedure has been guided by the rule of standardization since the early 1970s, which is a doctrine that remains influential today. Standardization represents a cardinal statement of human rights saying that forms of life and mundane life which are every bit near as possible to the regular fortunes of society should be made available to all mentally sick and larning handicapped people ( Nirje, 1976 ) . Closely associated with the principal of standardization is the construct of mainstreaming, which advocates the usage of criterion instead than specialised services, for illustration, schools, Employment and wellness attention it is now a steadfastly established rule and characteristics to a great extent in authorities policy which supports the usage of mainstream services and the question of the acquisition disabled population back into society but besides recognises the demand in some instances for specializer services. ( The Department of Health, 1992 ) stated that: wherever possible people with larning disablements should be enabled to utilize ordinary wellness services every bit good as specialist appraisal and intervention services . Advocates of standardization by and large back up the mainstream attack ; they may reason that specialized services lead to labelling, stigmatization and negative professional attitudes. The statement for this attack at first glimpse appears sound and is supported widely by literature. It is, for illustration, current policy in the UK and USA. However, in pattern mainstream community mental wellness and inmate squads have found it progressively hard to run into the demands of people with larning disablements and psychiatric upsets ( US Public Health Service, 2002 ) . Each of the four United kingdom states has its ain policy construction turn toing how the demands of people with larning disablements should be met in a mental wellness environment. England s policy is set out in the undermentioned studies. Valuing Peoples: A new scheme for larning disablement in the twenty-first century ( Department of wellness, 2001 ) , Health Services for Peoples with Learning Disabilities ( Department of Health, 1992 ) and Mental Health: National Service Framework, ( Department of Health, 1999 ) , The common subjects and issues that underpin this policy construction, include: advancing collaborative working between mainstream mental wellness services and specialist acquisition disablement services ; leting people with larning disablements to entree mainstream mental wellness services wherever possible but making little specializer inmate services for those whose demands can non be met by mainstream services, implementing a changing function for specializer larnin g disablement services to supplying support and facilitation for mainstream services including supplying mainstream mental wellness and attention staff with equal preparation on the demands of people with learning disablement ; using a attention programme attack for people with learning disablement and mental wellness jobs and making mental wellness publicity stuffs which are made accessible for people with a learning disablement. Advice is available to assist care suppliers and staff support people with larning disablements in accessing mainstream mental wellness attention scenes ( Hardy et al, 2006 ) . The Green light toolkit ( Foundation for People with larning disablements et Al, 2004 ) is one illustration of a counsel papers that demonstrates how policy construction and specific policies are being implemented in pattern. It is used throughout England as an audit tool to mensurate how the National Service Framework for mental wellness ( Department of Health, 1999 ) is being implemented for people with learning disablements. The toolkit provides a gilded criterion that can be used by local mainstream mental wellness services to mensurate services against. It offers a traffic visible radiation hiting system and provides counsel on how services can be improved, covering countries such as local partnerships, planning, accessing services, attention planning and work force planning. After a green light toolkit a ppraisal, each local country should develop an betterment program from the action points identified and have a clip frame to implement the necessary alterations. Anecdotal grounds from observations in pattern suggest that the green light tool kit is still being used in pattern today but similar countries for betterment are identified clip and clip once more such as entree to wellness promotional stuffs in apprehensible formats. This would propose that although appraisals of services are being undertaken the results of these appraisals and action points are non being carried frontward into pattern. The Disability Rights Commission ( Disability rights committee, 2006 ) supports this position by stating that old counsel paperss intended to assist people with larning disablements gain entree to mainstream wellness services have had limited consequence. A working group from the royal montage of head-shrinkers ( Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1996 ) acknowledged that enabling people with larning disablements to entree mainstream mental wellness services can be a complex and demanding undertaking necessitating input from specializers in the psychopathology of larning disablement. To react to this statement they have advocated two rules for the mental wellness nursing of people with larning disablements: joint working between mental wellness and larning disablement squads with the usage of Mainstream psychiatric installations at every possible chance every bit good as emphasizing that commissariats for specializer services are still to be available if needed. The independent authorities enquiry instigated by Death by Indifference ( Mencap, 2007 ) , while non widening to mental wellness services, promoted research into the experiences reported by people with larning disablements of acute mental wellness units. This provides a assorted image. The negative experiences are similar to concerns expressed by other patients. These include: deficiency of control and information ; larceny of belongings ; intimidating multi disciplinary meetings ; hapless nutrient and hapless attention. However the presence of larning disablements may change their significance for illustration, service users with larning disablements may happen it harder to understand information about their admittance and intervention, unless it is shared in a format which is appropriate to their cognitive and communicating accomplishments. Psychotropic medicine may farther impair already hapless cognitive operation and may stand for an extra restriction on persons capacity to und erstand and take an active portion in their intervention. Relatives and paid carers are likely to hold a much more important and long-standing function in back uping the service user than would be the instance with other grownups with mental wellness jobs, Often a individual with a acquisition disablement has specific modus operandis that merely person near like a carer would cognize and following these modus operandis can do nursing them much easier. this is something to which mainstream services in peculiar seem to pay small attending. Not emphasizing engagement with carers in peculiar with a client from this group can take to either a deficiency of support for carers or carers experiencing pushed away by services and left without a function which in itself can take to the presentation of depression and low temper in the carer. ( Scior and Longo, 2005 ) Finally, the hazard that marks and symptoms of mental wellness jobs will be misattributed to a individual s acquisition disableme nt ( diagnostic overshadowing ) is specific to this group. These issues need to be considered by practicians nevertheless, grounds indicates that healthcare professionals frequently lack the cognition, accomplishments and experience necessary to run into the health care needs of people with learning disablements. ( Fraser, 1999 ) The Royal College of Nursing ( Royal College of Nursing, 2008 ) commented that the recent development of an outlook of the mainstream mental wellness services to react to the demands of the bulk of people with larning disablements and co-morbid mental unwellness has frequently proved an unrealistic end for the mental wellness nurse. It has been proven that particular expertness and preparation every bit good as the usage of specialist mental wellness squads are required for the appraisal, diagnosing and intervention of mental unwellness in the acquisition handicapped population. Although it is theoretically possible to develop staff in mainstream scenes, the little figure of instances gives small chance for staff in the assorted subjects to derive the necessary accomplishments. Additionally, mainstream mental wellness staff frequently feel that caring for this group of vulnerable people is non portion of their function, and the resources of big mental wellness services are already stretched ( Day, 1988 ) . The support deductions that arose from such a monolithic displacement in service duty that came out of the execution of the mainstreaming attack neer seem to hold been adequately addressed ( Bouras et al, 1995 ) Collaborative working between professional groups in health care is critical across the board for bettering criterions of attention for patients and their carers ( Pollard,2004 ) . In relation to this professional competitions between mental wellness and larning disablements squads are common and the apprehension of each other s function is hapless taking to chiefly uneffective collaborative working ( Bouras et al, 1995 ) There has besides been no evident or unequivocal dialogue between the two service squads in the UK to develop clear local operational policies or service understandings and merely obscure definitions of who is entitled to entree which service exist, which can sometimes take to a patient having inappropriate intervention, being bounced between services or, in rare instances, even being denied attention wholly as neither squad is willing to take duty for that patients attention. Distinguishing between psychiatric upsets and behavioral issues in people with larning disablements is non ever a straightforward procedure. Both empirical and conceptual issues associating to the nature of such behavioral upsets question both the cogency and dependability of a diagnosing of mental unwellness in a individual who has a learning disablement ( Krose et Al, 2000 ) This raises the inquiry what does a nurse dainty foremost? As with double diagnosing of a drug dependence and mental unwellness, in many instances the drug job needs to be tackled foremost before the full extent of the mental unwellness can be seen ( Drake,2007 ) .However, with a learning disablement this is non a possibility as a acquisition disablement is a long standing status that can non be treated. The inquiry is hence, is the behavior being exhibited by a patient due to their mental wellness jobs or the learning disablement? When a individual with a acquisition disablement requires admittance to hospital due to a psychiatric unwellness, the first aim is to hold on whether the general or learning disablement head-shrinker acts as the responsible clinician. The admittance of a individual with larning disablement frequently happens as a last resort in response to an exigency that can non be managed elsewhere such as in the community or via the usage or reprieve services. The community larning disablement squad should be able to offer some preparation to nursing staff or even transport out specific pieces of work straight with the patient. The allotment of a named nurse is highly of import and, if available, person with particular accomplishments or involvement should be appointed in order to develop a more effectual curative confederation with the patient. The increased exposure of people with larning disablements to mistreat even during admittance should be considered and protection from this possible hazard given. This may necessitate to be in the signifier of separation from high-risk patients or an increased degree of nursing observation such as is policy with under 18s admitted to adult acute psychiatric units. In all instances, the importance of coaction with the acquisition disablement squad should be stressed. This becomes peculiarly of import during discharge planning. In the scenario of an admittance under a Mental Health Section, people with learning disablement and mental wellness jobs are entitled to all the commissariats of the Care Programme Approach and Section 117 after-care. It is besides indispensable that mental wellness nurses have a good working cognition of mental wellness jurisprudence and statute law. Experiences from clinical pattern have demonstrated that frequently mental wellness statute law is misused or disregarded for people with co morbid acquisition disablements which denies them the precautions and protection of the jurisprudence that statute law such as the mental wellness act was designed to set in topographic point ( Mental Health Act, 1983 ) . The relevant statute law should be applied to this group of people if and when it is appropriate to make so and the same classs of detainment used as for other persons sing mental sick wellness. Although it is of import to observe that a individual with a learning disablement can still be sectioned if it is deemed they behave abnormally sharply or earnestly irresponsibly, without any marks of mental unwellness it is hence of import to find that that there be existent mental wellness jobs presen t if a individual is admitted under subdivision to a mainstream mental wellness infirmary. Assessment is a specific portion of the nursing procedure where mental wellness nurses can fight when covering with people with larning disablements For illustration, The Mental State Examination, which constitutes an indispensable constituent of the preparation procedure and is indispensable for measuring hazard and explicating a intervention program, may be debatable. This could be for a figure of grounds, including high rates of conformity or an avidity to delight in certain interview state of affairss ( Sigelman et al, 1982 ) . Moss argues that people with learning disablements are besides less likely to kick or near members of staff to inquire for aid which may farther perplex the Assessment and hazard direction procedure. ( Moss,1999 ) Simple linguistic communication and direct oppugning including communicating and in depth treatment with carers could be a manner to get the better of this trouble. Higher degrees of nursing observation may besides be utile, non merely in guarant ing a individual s safety on the ward but besides in giving critical information sing a individual s mental province ( Appleby,1999 ) ( Gibson, 2007 ) highlighted some cardinal factors that nurses without specialist preparation may happen complicate effectual appraisal and intercession The two chief factors that affect mental wellness nurses are: rational deformation, which may ensue from cognitive shortages in countries such as memory and concentration which can do comprehension and communicating of ideas and feelings hard ; and Cognitive decomposition, which can happen in state of affairss where the individual is overwhelmed by the anxiousness of the demands being placed on them, ensuing in an inability to soldierly ideas and bizarre behavior Communication is cardinal to doing a sound and accurate appraisal. It is estimated that upwards of 50 % of people with larning disablements have important communicating troubles ( Matson, 1998 ) A nurse demands to turn to the peculiar communicating demands of each person as each will change in their abilities, This is another point in which collaborative working becomes really of import as if the individual is involved with a acquisition disablements squad, that squad may be able to supply the nurse with accurate information about the degrees of a individual s communicating and how best to pull off these issues. Many of the jobs in relation to direction of people with larning disablement by mental wellness nurses relate to the deficiency of cognition accomplishments and preparation ( Lennox A ; Chaplin, 1995 ) . Evidence suggests that qualified nurses on a regular basis feel out of their deepness and unsupported when covering with this client group and observations in pattern indicate a certain sum of turning away tactics from mental wellness nurses when it comes to volunteering for the named nurse axial rotation which could be due to a deficiency of assurance in this country. The current pre-registration nurse instruction programme for mental wellness nurses was originally validated by the English National Board ( English National Board,2000 ) , and the course of study follows the Nursing and Midwifery Councils Fitness For Practice Guidelines ( United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting,1999 ) , which states that pupils set abouting pre-registration programmes must hold certain other fortes included. However, larning disablement, as either a practical or theoretical constituent of the subdivision programme, is non one of them. With authorities policy ( Department of Health, 2001 ) saying that people with larning disablements should wherever possible entree generic services, there would look to be the demand for a more specific and in-depth attack to larning disablement instruction for all pupils throughout their pre-registration instruction. Experiences from local preregistration nurse instruction show that presently nursing instruction provides a 12- month common foundation programme for nurses who intend to develop in all countries of nursing including Adult, Mental wellness, Midwifery, kid and learning disablement nursing. Although non required by the NM, Learning disablement theory is taught but arrangements in this country are non common. After common foundation period of preparation, pupil nurse instruction in mental wellness has little or no farther chances to derive learning disablement experience. Comparisons with larning disablements mental wellness can be made to both kid and adolescent mental wellness, every bit good as to older people s psychopathology in that they are both specialist groups with their ain issues and mental wellness nurses are expected to analyze these client groups in item during their subdivision preparation in order to go familiar with the complexnesss of this type of mental wellness nursing. As these countries are compulsory fortes in order to run into the demands of making as a mental wellness nurse ( English National Board, 2000 ) and, coupled with the authorities s policy for people with larning disablements to entree generic mental wellness services, it would look indispensable that mental wellness nurses address the forte of people who have larning disablements and extra mental wellness jobs during their pre-registration instruction as they do with other specific patient groups. Many senior mental wellness nurses have received no larning disablement preparation at all. This deficiency of preparation may ensue in jobs with communicating and apprehension, every bit good as negative attitudes toward people with learning disablement. On the impudent side, nurses in larning disablement have likewise limited preparation in the country of mental wellness, although there are freshly available post-registration classs. One such class gives an experient nurse from either ramify a six month endorsement to the other nursing subject which is backed up by 2 faculties of theory. Anecdotal grounds gained from talking to a mental wellness nurse who has late completed this class has shown that general nursing accomplishments that every nurse should be competent in upon making can be transferred across the board to other subdivisions of nursing. The feeling of this nurse is that presently, mental wellness mainstream services see merely those with mild or marginal learning disa blements coming into the service and the appraisal and intervention procedure for these people is non much different to that of non larning handicapped people. Currently specializer services provide the bulk of attention for the patients with more complex demands. ( Scior and Longo, 2005 ) In decision the grounds presented in this essay suggests a figure of issues that need to be addressed if mental wellness nurses are to run into the demands of their clients with a carbon monoxide morbid larning disablement efficaciously. There are: pre and Post enrollment preparation for mental wellness nurses, collaborative working between the mental wellness and larning disablement squads and proviso and entree to services. It seems that specializer larning disablement in-patient units with a mental wellness focal point offer a more positive experience for the patient than mainstream mental wellness units, and hence should be developed farther ( Scior and Longo, 2005 ) . However, realistically mainstream services are extremely likely to go on to supply attention for this group, if merely because of the resource restrictions in specializer services and the fact that 30 % of NHS trusts provide no specializer admittance installations ( Bailey A ; Cooper, 1997 ) . There seems a demand now for major alterations to be made to the constructions and daily patterns in these services. Such alterations should include enterprises to advance more positive attitudes and behavior towards persons with acquisition disablements through preparation and regular input from specializer larning disablements services. Closer attending must be paid to the demand to do information about diagnosing and interventions accessible, in media such as cusps utilizing simple linguistic communication pictures and audio information ( Forster et al, 2001 ) and the demand for stronger engagement of and co-operation with service users regular carers. Current pattern experience has shown nevertheless that in the most portion mental wellness services in this country merely seem to come into contact with patients who have a boundary line or mild learning disablement as there is a big supply of specializer beds. Currently merely in rare instances would mainstream mental wellness units be acknowledging a individual with terrible or profound acquisition disablements whereby little changes to pattern and movable nursing accomplishments would non be plenty to give that patient the best attention available. Referances Appleby L ( 1999 ) National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by Peoples with Mental Illness. Department of Health Bailey NM A ; Cooper SA ( 1997 ) The current proviso of specializer wellness services to people with larning disablements in England and Wales. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 41 52-9. Bouras, N. , Holt, G. A ; Gravestock, S. ( 1995 ) Community attention for people with larning disablements: shortages and future programs. Psychiatric bulletin, 19, 134-137. Day, K. ( 1988 ) Services for psychiatrically disordered mentally disabled grownups. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 14,19-25. Department of Health ( 2001 ) Valuing Peoples: A New Strategy for Learning Disability for the twenty-first Century. The Stationery Office, London. Department of Health ( 1999 ) mental wellness: national service model, The Stationery Office, London. Department of Health ( 1992 ) Health Services for Peoples with Learning Disabilities ( Mental Handicap ) . HSG ( 92 ) 42. London: Department of Health. Disability Rights Commission ( 2006 ) Equal Treatment: Closing the Gap. Final Report of a Formal Investigation into Health Inequalities. DRC, London. Drake, R E, 2007. Double diagnosing of major mental unwellness and substance upset: An overview. New Directions for Mental Health Services, [ Online ] . 50, 3-12. Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/yd.23319915003/abstract [ Accessed 20 November 2010 ] . English National Board ( ENB ) ( 2000 ) Education in Focus. Strengthening Pre-registration Nursing and Midwifery Education.Curriculum Guidence. Part 13 of the Professional Register. ENB, London. Forster M, Wilkie B, Strydom A, Edwards C A ; Hall I ( 2001 ) Medication Information Leaflets. London: Elfrida Press. Foundation for people with larning disablements, valuing people support squad and national institute for mental wellness in England ( 2004 ) Green visible radiation: how good are your mental wellness services for people with larning disablements? A service betterment toolkit, London: Foundation for people with larning disablements Fraser, B. ( 1999 ) Psychopharmacology and people with learning disablement. Progresss in Psychiatric Treatment, 5, 471-477. Fraser W. A ; Nolan M. ( 1995 ) Psychiatric upsets in mental deceleration. In: Mental Health in Mental Retardation ; Recent Advances and Practices ( ed Bouras, N. ) , pp. 79-92. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Gibson, T, 2007. Peoples with larning disablements in mental wellness scenes. Mental Health Practice, 12/7, 30-33. Hardy S, Chaplin E, Woodward P ( 2007 ) Mental Health Nursing of Adults with Learning Disabilities. Royal College of Nursing, London. Hardy S, Woodward P, Woolard P et Al ( 2006 ) Meeting the Health Needs of People with Learning Disabilities. Royal College of Nursing, London. Hassiotis A, Strydom A, Hall I et al ( 2008 ) Psychiatric morbidity and societal operation among grownups with marginal intelligence life in private families. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 52, 2, 95-1-6. Krose B. , Dewhurst D. A ; Holmes G. ( 2000 ) Diagnosis and drugs: aid or hindrance when people with larning disablements have psychological jobs? British Journal of Learning Disabilities 29, 26-33. Lennox, N. A ; Chaplin, R. H. ( 1995 ) . Intellectual disablement: the positions of psychiatric trainees. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 29, 632-637. Matson, JL. and Bamburg, J. dependability of the appraisal of double diagnosing ( ADD ) , research in developmental disablements 20,89-95 Mencap ( 2007 ) Death by Indifference. Mencap, London. Moss S. ( 1999 ) Appraisal of mental wellness jobs. Tizard Learning Disability Review 42, 14-19. Government of England ( 1983 ) The Mental Health Act. Stationary Office, London. Nirje, B. ( 1976 ) The standardization rule and its human direction deductions. In Normalisation, Social Integration and Community Services ( eds R. J. Flynn A ; K. E. Nitsch ) . Baltimore, MD: University Park Press. Pollard, KC, 2004. Collaborative acquisition for collaborative working? Initial findings from a longitudinal survey of wellness and societal attention pupils. Health A ; Social Care in the Community, 12,4, 346-358. Raghavan R, Patel P ( 2005 ) Learning Disabilities and Mental Health. A Nursing Perspective. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. Royal Collage Of Nursing, 2008.A Mental wellness nursing of grownups with larning disablements: RCN GuidelinesA . London: South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation TrustA Royal College of Psychiatrists ( 1996 ) Meeting the Mental Health Needs of People with Learning Disability. Council Report CR56. London: Royal College of Psychiatrists. Scior K, Longo S ( 2005 ) Inpatient psychiatric attention: what can we larn from people with larning disablements and their carers? Learning Disability Review. 10, 3, 22-33. Sigelman C.K. , Budd E.C. , Winer J.L. , et Al. ( 1982 ) Measuring alternate techniques of oppugning mentally retarded individuals. American Journal of Mental Deficiency 86, 511-518. Swain J, French S, Barnes C et Al ( 2004 ) Disabling Barriers, Enabling Environments. Second edition. Sage, London. The Office for National Statistics. 2000.A Psychiatric Morbidity among Adults populating in Private Households. [ ONLINE ] Available at: A lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www.statistics.gov.uk/downloads/theme_health/ psychmorb_sumrep.pdf gt ; . [ Accessed 16 November 2010 ] United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting ( 1999 ) Fitness for Practice the Report of the UKCC Commission for Nursing and Midwifery Education. UKCC, London. US Public Health Service ( 2002 ) Closing the Gap: A National Blueprint for Bettering the Health of Individuals with Mental Retardation. Report of the Surgeon General s Conference on Health Disparities and Mental Retardation. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Book Review Ghosts from the Nursery Essays

Book Review Ghosts from the Nursery Essays Book Review Ghosts from the Nursery Essay Book Review Ghosts from the Nursery Essay Ghosts from the Nursery: Tracing the Roots of Violence written by Robin Karr-Morse and Meredith S. Wiley offers the reader an in-depth expression at kid maltreatment and disregard. Karr-Morse and Wiley ( 1997 ) discuss the effects of maltreatment and disregard, looking specifically at force in kids. The book follows a immature adult male, 19 twelvemonth old Jeffery, who is on decease row for perpetrating a slaying when he was 16 old ages old. Jeffery serves as a beautiful instance survey for the writers and readers to analyse and use theories to. By looking at Jeffery and other kids who kill, Karr-Morse and Wiley ( 1997 ) Begin to detect the truths about the delicate and of import old ages of babyhood and early childhood. The writers look at kid development and behavior peculiarly from construct to age two. With development and behaviour in head, they investigate the effects that abuse and neglect have on kids s trust, empathy, scruples, and larning during these polar old ages. Throughout the journey of this book, the reader learns a overplus of interesting facts about human development and how it is influenced by maltreatment and disregard. Throughout the chapters the readers are besides given an chance to see the deductions of such behaviour with existent life instances and surveies. By taking the clip to read Ghosts from the Nursery, one will non merely have a better apprehension of babyhood and early kid development but besides understand why negative experiences affect kids as they do and what it means for society as a whole. Upon the completion of this text the reader will hold an grasp for quality parenting and cognize the annihilating effects maltreatment and disregard have on kids and its inf luence in making violent kids. Review This text offers knowing parts to the reader s apprehension of babyhood and early childhood maltreatment and disregard. Karrs of this interaction are presented in every chapter with different state of affairss and scenarios. The reader will rapidly subtract that this is the most of import connexion to do and that kids reflect what they have absorbed biologically and socially ( Karr-Morse A ; Wiley, 1997, 183 ) . The text does a great occupation measuring a figure of issues related to child maltreatment and neglect including but non limited to early encephalon anatomy and development, exposure to drugs in the uterus, the interaction of parenting and disposition, and the impact of early injury, caput hurts, and emotional want. Each chapter within this text takes a profound expression at these issues and how they relate back to childhood force. Along with supplying new and indispensable cognition, each chapter is opened by reconnecting with the instance survey of Jeffery and supplyin g the reader with a personal history of the deductions of the issues being discussed. By reading each subdivision carefully and intentionally the reader begins to understand all the variables involved in bring forthing a violent kid and the impact these variables have on the manner the kid processes information, or does non treat information as it may be. Along with showing valuable information to the reader and intensifying the readers apprehension of the kid maltreatment and disregard, the text does hold its ruins. While reading, one will detect that thoughts are repeated excessively frequently doing the reader to get down planing the stuff. The writers have a inclination to be repetitive in their authorship to a point that it hurts the overall affect of the book. Karr-Morse and Wiley besides like to supply in deepness accounts which detract from the chief point they are seeking to convey by switching the focal point to a minute fact, therefore losing their reader s attending. Along with in deepness accounts, Karr-Morse and Wiley have a inclination to include excessively many back uping facts. Though interesting, the facts tend to deflect the reader from the chief statements the writers are trying to do. With these three issues in head, the overall book is hard to acquire through and a comparatively slow read. With shorter, more to the point chapters, the writers may hold been able to retain their reader s attending for longer sum of clip. These betterments would besides put more accent on the intent of each chapter and how it influences the devising of a violent kid, instead than stressing the back uping facts. Overall, this text is really educational and a valued part to any mandated newsman s aggregation of cognition. It is suggested nevertheless, that Ghosts from the Nursery be read like a text edition and non like a book one would read before bed. With the cognition of the authorship manner the writers express themselves in, one can successfully voyage their manner through this book and come out the other side with well more cognition in the field of child maltreatment and disregard. Deductions There are legion deductions for anyone, peculiarly a instructor, after reading Ghosts from the Nursery by Robin Karr-Morse and Meredith Wiley. First and first, one must get down to understand the permeant effects of kid maltreatment and disregard and how of import those first two old ages of life are on development. Abuse and neglect have many faces, some of which are good hidden from the populace s oculus. As a instructor, particularly in preschool, it is imperative to be sensitive to these issues and the reverberations if non detected and treated. As an simple or preschool teacher, one will be able to measure a kid s basic physical, societal, emotional and rational development in comparing to the kid s equals and find whether the kid is on path or non. It is during the preschool old ages and prior that developmental holds as a consequence of maltreatment or disregard will get down to demo up in the kid. This information may lend to the instructors inclination that maltreatment is or is non happening. It is indispensable to cognize that maltreatment and/or disregard from the clip the kid is inside the female parent s uterus to present twenty-four hours can expose itself throughout assorted times in the kid s development, and in any one of the developmental spheres. This text specifically assists the reader in their pursuit to better place and understand the less obvious signifiers of maltreatment and disregard and grok what it means peculiarly for a kid s social/emotional development. Looking more closely at the riotous behaviour upsets chapter in the text is besides good to an single come ining the instruction field. Children who have such upsets will go obvious during the early school old ages as they are overpowering our preschools and kid attention centres. With kids who have riotous behaviour upsets their parents frequently feel dog-tired and angry, their feelings of fondness stretched thin or greatly compromised ( Karr-Morse A ; Wiley, 1997, 104 ) , puting the kid at a higher hazard for being abused or neglected and later developing oppositional defiant upset or behavior upset. Some of these kids may be sing maltreatment at place, or come to school out of helter-skelter and inattentive fortunes that leave them physically and emotionally malnourished ( Karr-Morse A ; Wiley, 1997, 105 ) . For a instructor, seeing a kid who has a riotous behaviour upset may be a warning flag to maintain an oculus on the kid and household and offer them extra resources to ease any extra emphasis they may be sing. Consequently, from reading this text, one will hold a thorough apprehension of how child maltreatment and neglect affects a kid s development and what that will look like in the kid s behaviour. For anyone come ining the instruction field whether it be in the public school territory or in a child care centre, those persons will happen themselves compulsory newsmans of kid maltreatment and disregard. By reading this text, and holding a solid foundation of what maltreatment and neglect expression like, one will hold the cognition to better be able to recommend for a kid s demands when necessary.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Give Teenagers Advice Lesson for ESL

How to Give Teenagers Advice Lesson for ESL In this lesson plan, students will have the opportunity to practice offering advice to teenagers. This can be an especially fun activity to do with high school students. Lesson Plan - Giving Advice to Teenagers Aim: Building reading comprehension and advice giving skills / focus on modal verb should and modal verbs of deduction Activity: Reading about teenage problems followed by group work Level: Intermediate - Upper Intermediate Outline: Start off the lesson by asking students to suggest what type of problems teenagers typically may have.Use one of the problems mentioned and inductively review modal verbs of deduction by asking questions such as, What must have happened to the boy?, Do you think he might have lied to his parents?, etc.Ask students for advice on what the person should do (reviewing the modal verb should).Have students get into small groups (four or five students).Distribute the handout with the various teen problems taken from real life. Assign one (or two) situations to each group.Have the students answer the questions as a group. Ask students to use the same forms as given in the questions (i.e. What might he have thought? - ANSWER: He might have thought it was too difficult.)Students should then use the sheet to report back to the class actively using the modal verb should to give advice.As a follow-up exercise or homework:Ask students to write about a problem they have had.Students should not writ e their names on their short problem descriptionDistribute the problems to other studentsHave students answer the questions about the situation described by on of their classmatesAsk students to verbally give recommendations Teenage Problems - Giving Advice ​ questionnaire: Read your situation and then answer the following questions What might the relationship be between the person and his / her parents?How must he / she feel?What cant have happened?Where might he / she live?Why might he / she have this problem?What should he / she do? (Give at least 5 suggestions) Teenage Problems:Sample Texts Should I Marry Him? I have been with my boyfriend for almost four years, We are going to get married next year but, there are a couple of concerns I have: One is the fact that he never talks about his feelings - he keeps everything inside of him. He sometimes has trouble with expressing his excitement about things. He never buys me flowers or takes me out to dinner. He says that he doesnt know why, but he never thinks of things like that. I dont know if this is a side effect of depression or, maybe, he is sick of me. He says that he loves me  and that he wants to marry me. If this is true, what is his problem? Female, 19 For Friendship or Love? Im one of those guys who have the quite normal problem: Im in love with a girl, but I dont know what to do. I have already had a crush on some girls, never with any success, but this is something different. My problem is actually that Im too cowardly to tell her anything. I know that she likes me and were very, very good friends. Weve known each other for about three years, and our friendship has constantly become better. We often get into quarrels, but we always make up. Another problem is that we often talk about problems with each other, so I know she is having problems with her boyfriend (who I think is no good for her). We meet almost every day. We always have a lot of fun together, but is it really so difficult to love someone who has been a good chum until now? Male, 15 Please Help me and My Family My family doesnt get along. Its like we all hate each other. Its my mom, my two brothers, a sister, and I. I am the oldest. We all have certain problems: My mom wants to quit smoking so she is really stressed out. I am really selfish - I just cant help it. One of my brothers is too bossy. He thinks he is better than the rest of us, and that he is the only one who helps my mom. My other brother is kind of abusive and depressed. He always starts fights and hes really spoiled. My mom doesnt yell at him for doing things wrong and when she does, he laughs at her. My sister - whos 7 - makes messes and doesnt clean them up. I really want to help because I dont like being upset all of the time and having everyone hate everyone else. Even when we start to get along, someone will say something to upset someone else. Please help me and my family. Female, 15 Hates School I hate school. I cannot stand my school so I skip it almost every day. Luckily, I am a smart person. Im in all of the advanced classes and dont have a reputation as a rebel. Only the people who really know me know about my strange feelings. My parents dont care - they dont even mention it if I dont go to school. What I end up doing is sleeping all day and then staying up all night talking to my girlfriend. I get behind in my work and, when I try to go back to school, I get a bunch of crap from my teachers and friends. I just get so depressed when I think about it. I have given up on trying to go back and am considering dropping out altogether. I really dont want to do that because I realize it would ruin my life. I dont want to go back at all, but I also dont want it to ruin my life. I am so confused and I have really tried to go back and just cant take it. What should I do? Please help. Male, 16

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Catholic Social Teaching and the Interpretation of it by the Essay

Catholic Social Teaching and the Interpretation of it by the Liberation Theologians - Essay Example The social discrimination and inequality were harshly criticized by the church through its doctrines and Catholic Social teaching is considered as one of the major doctrines of the church on social concerns. Catholic Social Teaching is a term to denote the Catholic’s relationships between the state and the religion. Precisely speaking it is the teaching of the Church on many social justice issues which are there in the society. The teachings of the church have been taken by many organizations and so the church gives a vivid picture of its social teaching based on the true faith in the son of God. The present article tries to bring out the salient features of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and makes out the differences between the Catholic theology and Liberation theology in the CST. Catholic Social Teaching Catholic Social teaching is considered as the greatest gift of the Roman Catholic Church to the world. The concern of Church over the social justice is visible in the teach ing. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops states that, â€Å"Catholic social teaching is based on and inseparable from our understanding of human life and human dignity. Every human being is created in the image of God and redeemed by Jesus Christ, and therefore is invaluable and worthy of respect as a member of the human family† (United States conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011). ... Pope in the letter stresses the concepts of equality and dignity in the social realm. He in a way stood for the common people who were working in many factories and land owners. He said in the letter as given in the article by Patrick Harrington as, â€Å"To defraud a man of the wage which is his due is to commit a grievously sinful act which cries out to heaven for vengeance† (Cooney, 2002, p.9). So by the term the Church wanted to involve state for upholding justice in the society thereby giving justice to workers in terms of wage and equality. The present Pope Benedict XVI through his Encyclical letter, ‘Caritas in Veritate’ (Charity in Truth) speaks a new dimension to the social teaching of the Catholicism. In the Encyclical Pope recalls â€Å"charity is the heart of Church’s social doctrine.† He added, â€Å"a Christianity of charity without truth would be more or less interchangeable with a pool of good sentiments, helpful for social cohesion, but of little relevance† (Catholic Social Teaching, n.d.). So the present Pope gives utmost importance to the truth in life and in social circles. He adds the gospel’s teachings to the social teaching which makes out more clarification to the doctrine. Principles of Catholic Social Teaching The Church has well established the principles of the social teaching through its different letters and books. The key principles, based on the teachings of Christ and the Apostles, proclaim the Christian beliefs intact. The Church in no way supports the ideologies of communism and capitalism with its social teaching. The atheistic aspect of communism is strongly objected by the church and on the other hand it does not support the individualistic aspects of capitalism. The church stands as

Friday, October 18, 2019

Discuss a state that has been in flux between a democracy and another Article

Discuss a state that has been in flux between a democracy and another form of government over the past 20-25 years - Article Example his paper aims to discuss the influx in India’s form of government from a unitary government ruled by a single party into what is now a democratic state. Further, this seeks to discuss the key characteristics, issues, legitimacy, social and political factors, as well as the wave of democracy that has affected India’s present government system. Democracy suggests a rule by the people. India is among those developing nations that have fostered a democratic multi-party system since it gained its independence where it adopted a parliamentary government with the President acting as the Constitutional head and the Prime Minister as the real head of the executive (Sharma, 2011, p. 146). Moreover, national unity, social revolution and stability are strongly enshrined in the Indian Constitution, which promotes the goal of a parliamentary democracy, fundamental rights and principles. Since India is notably the largest democracy, its Constitution also features the administrative procedures for Judiciary operation, selection of the members of Legislature, division between the Union and States, tax imposition, public services, electoral systems, and other salient characteristics for its democratic governance (Abbas, Kumar, & Alam, 2011, p. 98). As such, it is through its liberal democratic government that the Indian society can facili tate the recognition and exercise of human rights including the right of suffrage and be elected, or realize politically democratic values that are characterized by equality and absence of gender and social discrimination. Among the issues that have pushed India into a democracy include those affecting the civil society, the pressures of seeking autonomy, as well as with globalization that has largely influenced the political ideologies and policies of the state (Shively, 2014). As an opinion, however, other issues that may have propelled India to become a democratic state involve economic, social, and religious challenges that have created

Should schools require student uniforms Term Paper

Should schools require student uniforms - Term Paper Example In this regard, the aim of the current essay is to propose to the school administrators, parents and students that school uniforms should be prescribed. The discourse would initially present a brief review of literature from previous studies that delved into the subject. Subsequently, some statistical information would be provided to determine how many public or private schools in the United States prescribe wearing school uniforms. In addition, the effects of wearing school uniforms to students’ academic performance and to other variables would be determined and examined. Finally, a concluding portion would firmly establish support for one’s initial contention. Review of Related Literature In a study written by Gentile and Imberman, the authors examined the effects of wearing a prescribed school uniform on the behavior and academic performance of students in a large urban school district in the southwest portion (LUSD-SW) of the country. As disclosed, â€Å"uniforms g enerate improvements in attendance and test scores. These results are particularly strong for girls in middle and high school. We also find evidence that suggests behavioral problems shift towards less severe infractions for both genders in middle and high school. ... The author revealed that there are various benefits for enforcing school uniforms that include focusing on academic pursuits, fostering of a team-like spirit, and creating a more conducive school climate for learning, among others. Likewise, in another article written by Konheim-Kalkstein, the author contended that â€Å"when students dress alike, proponents say, the school climate may be improved† (Konheim-Kalkstein 25). The author likewise looked into other aspects and effects of using school uniform in terms of potentially reducing violence, improving the school climate, and saving money (Konheim-Kalkstein). Statistics on School Uniform Use In the statistics provided in the Statistic Brain website, it facts revealed that 23% of all private and public schools combined in the USA have a clearly defined school uniform policy (School Uniform Statistics). The information was noted to have been verified from the US Department of Education, NCES, ECS, NAESP, and University of Flor ida (School Uniform Statistics). Likewise, uniform sales were noted to have reached $1.1 billion in 2000 and an average annual cost of having the school uniform produced according to the prescribed design is $249 per annum (School Uniform Statistics). The city with the most percentage of schools adhering to a prescribed school uniform in public schools was disclosed as New Orleans (95%); while the city with the smallest percentage of users is Cincinnati at 50% (School Uniform Statistics). It is also interesting to note that from the reasons provided by parents and teachers regarding implementing the use of school uniforms, majority of parents (49%) indicated that â€Å"the school uniform has been financially beneficial for my household†

ACCOUNTING THEORY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

ACCOUNTING THEORY - Essay Example Among these are the ground concepts that may be used in the formulation of accounting theories among other aspects of accounting theories. Some contend that in the beginning many primitive societies, those that were in existent in the earliest days, developed the art of counting before developing the art of naming (Brown, 2006, 3). These primitive forms of accounting for the number of items provide the basis by which early societies may be said to have been practicing accounting. Such groups are likes of the Egyptian with the need to account for grain harvested and stored. Examples of other such systems may be found in other early civilizations such as the Greeks and the Tibetans. Over time these systems of accounting for various items moved into the business world. This was in earlier European and Asian countries that mostly participated in trade with one another and within their countries. One will find evidence of the differences in practices among the various countries to indicat e differentiation in as far as the earlier practice of accounting is concerned. There is also need to mention the contribution of the likes of Luca Pacioli who made contributions to the earlier forms of accounting (Riahi-Belkaoui, 2005, 3). He is credited with developing the double entry system of bookkeeping that is still widely taught and practiced in accounting spheres to date. It is though that over time this Italian system of accounting was adopted in most parts of the world. In the United States various forms of accounting methodologies were also being applied. These methods may not have been allowed for uniformity, due to the differences in the underlying guidelines. These theories were to be streamlined with the development of bodies such as the SEC which became the ultimate authority as far as providing guidance on accounting related matters (Previtis, Walton & Wolnizer, 2011, 121). Accounting theory development The development of accounting theory on the other hand may be said to have progressed with the developments that were being experienced in the accounting field. Their development was also being fueled by the changes that were occurring in corporate world. A good example may be the case with the development of the railway that led to the growth of the stock market for the purposes of raising needed financing. This growth in a whole industry catapulted the need to develop theories to be used in corporate financing deals (Schroeder, Clark & Cathey, 2011, 4). The current environment The recent financial crisis affected the world in a way that most did not see coming. This crisis also exposed a lot of the misdeeds that have been happening in the financial world. The effect is that there has been an increase in the oversight that is being paid to these sectors of the economy. Accountants and the accounting theories that they choose to use are being placed under greater scrutiny by various bodies. This is in a bid to try and prevent the recurrence of another crisis. The major concern being caused by the derivatives that have come to play a major part in corporate entities and that may have carried some blame when it comes to the causal effect of the crisis. Accounting for these derivatives requires additional accounting regulations as compared to other marketable securities (Stickney, 2010, 579). Accounting theory definition Before an in depth analysis and look at the various theories and how they affect the accounting world, one needs to be aware of the definition or the basic characteristics of an accounting theory. Dictionaries place the definition as, well organized knowledge that can be applied in a wide variety of situations. These are principles and assumptions that can be used to predict how a given

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Role of Leadership in Shaping Organizational Culture Assignment

The Role of Leadership in Shaping Organizational Culture - Assignment Example Shaping organization culture is essential if the organization leadership aims at having a healthy and high performing organization culture. Since culture involves the unwritten and written rules of how people would work with each other to achieve organizational objectives. This paper attempts to outline the role of leadership in an organization by shaping its culture. Organizational culture is integral in ensuring that the organization identify and execute strategic plans. Successful leaders ensure that they shape the culture of the organization instead of letting the culture to shape the organization. Culture shaping involves strategies that can promote an integrated system in the organization from top to bottom. To ensure that the performance and growth of the company adheres to the organization goals, the leaders must ensure that there is behavior change among individuals and teams in the organization. It is therefore necessary that personal transformation serve as the foundation of culture transformation (House, 2006).   Leaders shape and influence the organizational culture through molding of values, beliefs within the organization and basic assumptions by the members of the organizations. The key and critical factor for a manager to ensure that there is enough support organization culture is empowering the employees to build a good relationship that would lead to change in organizational culture. Effective leaders engage formation of strategies that would shape the organizational culture through influencing members to a positive relationship within the organizational program. Leaders who are intelligent learn on changing the organizational culture and focus more on empowering the people to enhance good relations. There are several strategies that can be used by managers to ensure positive organization culture is applied (Wells, 2013).   The first strategy

Education Literature Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Education Literature Questions - Assignment Example A well planned and methodological teaching incorporates all the relevant information and beyond. It is also thought provoking and interactive to incite thinking and application aptitude in the students. In today's' scenario where an exponential rise in technology is mounting, freedom must be given to students to come up with their thoughts and views. Such a balance between structural framework and innovative thoughts, coming out of freedom or open discussion is important not only for local knowledge but also for public knowledge. A constant interaction with the students enhances teaching skill of the teacher as well (as in the case of Crouse). 2) How was the knowledge created or generated? According to Crouse, students and teacher work together in a manner to formulate a curriculum. It is a phase of learning for both, the teacher as well as the student, where the teacher understands how to enhance skills in order to generate better understanding in students while the children enrich their understanding towards the subject. Teacher could improve teaching by being thoughtful and by finding out ways where students grasp and learn well. Appropriate teaching methodology, clear, coherent and lucid explanation generates understanding for the subject. However, in order to impart appropriate knowledge to the students it is essential that the teacher must recognize their level of understanding and awareness of students. Moreover, a psychological implication is also essential. One parameter of classroom research cannot be implemented in diverse cultural environments, as culture of the geographical region also plays an imperative role in classroom studies. Some of the developing nations do not promote interactive studies which hampers the cognitive development of the students and potential and skills of the students remain underdeveloped. The cultural background of some nations of Asia do not promote female education. Thus, females in these nations remain underprivileged a nd contribute little to the growth and progress of their children and hence the nation. Generating understanding, awareness and knowledge therefore, directly relates and depicts cultural predisposition which plays pivotal role in knowledge creation and generation. 3) Was it shared with other practitioners? How? Crouse appears to consider knowledge generation as both the rationale of education and theme of her own research and shared these ideas with various researchers including Marilyn Cochran-Smith (2010). With the technological advances and availability of resources, internet accessibility, awareness is generated at a rapid pace. Findings in education, research and technology could be easily shared across the world. The world is now connected and sharing information is just a click away. B. Topic:- Classroom Studies: Why it should be counted as research? Ref. Lytle, S.L., Cochran-Smith, M. (1992). Teacher research as a Way of Knowing. Harvard Educational Review,62(4), 447- 474. C lassroom teaching involves direct interaction between teacher and the students, a face-to-face interaction. During this interaction the expression and explanation of the teacher is of paramount significance. The depth of knowledge of the teacher and explicit explanation needs constant

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Role of Leadership in Shaping Organizational Culture Assignment

The Role of Leadership in Shaping Organizational Culture - Assignment Example Shaping organization culture is essential if the organization leadership aims at having a healthy and high performing organization culture. Since culture involves the unwritten and written rules of how people would work with each other to achieve organizational objectives. This paper attempts to outline the role of leadership in an organization by shaping its culture. Organizational culture is integral in ensuring that the organization identify and execute strategic plans. Successful leaders ensure that they shape the culture of the organization instead of letting the culture to shape the organization. Culture shaping involves strategies that can promote an integrated system in the organization from top to bottom. To ensure that the performance and growth of the company adheres to the organization goals, the leaders must ensure that there is behavior change among individuals and teams in the organization. It is therefore necessary that personal transformation serve as the foundation of culture transformation (House, 2006).   Leaders shape and influence the organizational culture through molding of values, beliefs within the organization and basic assumptions by the members of the organizations. The key and critical factor for a manager to ensure that there is enough support organization culture is empowering the employees to build a good relationship that would lead to change in organizational culture. Effective leaders engage formation of strategies that would shape the organizational culture through influencing members to a positive relationship within the organizational program. Leaders who are intelligent learn on changing the organizational culture and focus more on empowering the people to enhance good relations. There are several strategies that can be used by managers to ensure positive organization culture is applied (Wells, 2013).   The first strategy

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Introducing Sheltered Instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Introducing Sheltered Instruction - Essay Example According to the research carried out by National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition, (2002), it is known that each year proportion of non- English speaking students is increasing at more rate than actual number. And many states are not up to that level to deliver language and other services that these immigrant students actually need. As per the work by Moss & Puma (1995), Ruiz-de-Velasco (2000) & Fix and Waggoner (1999), these students have less grades and high dropout rate as compared to US-born students in spite of having high attendance rate. It is evident from these studies that most schools are not satisfying the requirement of educating linguistically and culturally diverse students. To achieve high levels of educational standards and accommodate the requirement of 'No Child Left Behind Act (2001)', federal and state governments expect all students to have adjusted national and state assessments. English learners enter U.S schools with wide range of language profi ciencies and subject matter knowledge, based on their background, socioeconomic status, age of arrival and personal experiences. To succeed students with varieties of criteria the teacher development, program design, curriculum and materials, and instructional and assessment practices should be modified. This paper will address especially strategies for improving teacher development and instructional practices. Many standards have been ... High-stake test has been adopted in many states as result of 'No Child Left Behind Act (2001)'. This was benefited to English learning students as teachers and schools concentrated on overall progress, including LEP students, so as to reach benchmarks laid. In spite of these many adaptation, students exit before they become proficient in academic English due to several reasons. First reason is being standardized test designed for US born students, EL students at beginning level found it difficult to meet criteria as they can not read, write or speak English fluently. Thus program failed to confirm that EL students learn academic content primarily, with learning English. Second reason for failure of high-stack tests was lack of certified ESL and bilingual teachers. To compensate this shortage, principals started hiring less-qualified teachers, using substitutes, canceling courses, increasing class size, or asking teachers to teach outside their field of preparation. The Sheltered Instruction Approach and SIOP model The growth in numbers of students learning English as an additional language and the shortage of qualified ESL and bilingual teachers raised the need of sheltered content instruction approach. "sheltered instruction is an approach that can extend the time students have for getting language support services while giving them a jump-start on the content subjects they will need for graduation" (Echevarria, 2004, p.10). It is not a set of instruction techniques need to added or replaced by teacher's original techniques, but an approach that complements those methods and strategies. Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) model has been designed for flexibility and confirmed with wide range of classroom

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Impact of Globalisation in the UAE

The Impact of Globalisation in the UAE UAE is the most globalised country in the Middle East because Abu Dhabi, emirates with huge oil wealth and Dubai with entrepreneurial skills was opened as commercial hub soon after gaining independence from British. Long before UAE had started opening up to free trade, free movement of labour and joint business ventures then the other countries in Middle East. So, when the trend of globalisation becomes clear in mid 1990s most of the Middle East countries are unprepared for the economic and political impact of globalization while UAE was all set for becoming globalised at least economically. It had never taken gobalisation as challenge but as opportunity from which they can have benefit. UAE was always prepared to do this without making any compromises with his values and tradition. (THE UAE The Challenge Of Globalisation Part 19., 2002) UAE has set an example for the world on handling challenges by maintaining political stability and social security. By adopting open economy policies, activating private sectors and attracting foreign investors helps him in globalization. UAE has worked hard to make its way for healthy business and investment environment. (Paulo, 2004) Introduction Today globalisation is a need of every country in the world, whether it is small or big, developed or developing country. Globalisation was started in 1980, but has taken pace with the technological advancement in the sectors of transport and communication and by investing through big developing countries and opening them for international trade and investment. Even the poor countries are also trying hard to utilize the opportunity of globalisation. They are making to world markets of manufactured products and services with their huge labour. (Viswanathan, 2008) With 32,278 square miles of area, consisting of 7 small emirates of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ras Al-Khaimah, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al-Qaiwain, and Fujairah, which together makes United Arab Emirates. These emirates were united as one federal state on 2 December, 1971. Abu Dhabi is the wealthiest member in the union because of its huge oil wealth and Dubai is second largest emirates being a commercial port. Being allied to the emirates like Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the remaining five small emirates are enjoying political and economic benefits. UAE is considered to have autocratic government, in which one person possesses the power. There are less political reforms in the country than the economic ones because of existence of sheikhs dilemma in the country. UAE has foreign policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. They believe in peaceful resolution of disputes. UAE always supports for international institution like United Nation and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). (Stone) Globalisation and UAE In terms of population and its territory Middle East may not be a good region for investment, but having good natural resources of gas and oil make these countries to actively participate in globalisation. UAE was poor desert country but the discovery of oil changed its economy markedly. The effect of globalisation had made the resources of oil so important that investors rather consider the small territory and population of the UAE. Globalization is interdependence of world economy; it requires cooperation among economies of the countries. Some techniques like outsourcing and insourcing proves to be the best method for international collaboration. Today UAE, especially Dubai is attracting many foreign investors because it provides all the facilities for business development. UAE recognized the importance of being an open country that can offer something new to the investors. Thus, offshoring, which consist of shifting of production processes and services from one country to another also plays an important role in globalization and made direct impact on the countries. Dubai is offering considerable economic conditions and opportunities to foreign investors for doing business there. The vision of UAE is to create an open country for international business investment and to give their best for building better infrastructure. At first the economy of UAE was mostly dependent on natural resources, but now it is also concentrating on other sectors for developing profit. It has begun to search other sources of income such as tourism, real estate and international finances. Globalization also permits UAE to expand its market. Its economy is not only depending on foreign trade but also on import and export market. Its top most export partners are Japan, South Korea, Thailand and India; and main export goods are natural gas, crude petroleum and dried fish. The main importers countries are Germany, UK, Italy, France, United States, China, Japan and India; and main imported goods are equipment and chemicals for inner enterprises. Another success of UAE is the application of latest technologies. The market is cooperating with modern trends and applying new knowledge to production function. Compliance advance ideas in market helps in getting efficient work in sectors like production, management and entrepreneurship. (Effect of Globalization on United Arab Emirates Market) Challenges and Opportunities Present day situation does not give any other option then to join the globalization process along with other developing nations. However it may not be same for some developing countries. Globalization interrupts the culture and mentality of UAE people. If the country wants to attract tourist and foreign investors then it have to make compromises with its deep-rooted Islamic traditions, but the strong following of rules for both locals and foreigners results in losing most of the visitors and tourists. Therefore to enter the globalization UAE become a free country with broad views. This resulted in change not only culturally but also economically. Dubai can be best example as it is surrounded by conservative countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia but it is able to attract foreign investors by allowing company to work in tax free environment. Globalization is acculturation of many countries. So it is very difficult to preserves ones culture and traditions, therefore for the sake of globalization people in UAE have to abandon some rules and values of their customs. Another Challenge of globalization is financial instability; absence of financial control can also lead to economic instability. It is true that large countries are making profits from globalization but it is not confirmed in the case of small countries. Foreign investment helps in development of the country so it is important to have correct policy and logical use of the received money. Government should check whether the countries financial sector is getting full benefit from the investments or not. (Effect of Globalization on United Arab Emirates Market) The challenges of globalization can be met through the joint effort of both public and private sector. The public sector is actively participating in development of open economy process and adapting economic and social circumstances in compliance with the requirements. On other hand private sector is getting support by establishment of industrial area and free trade zone. Enhancement in the process of privatization is letting the market forces to remedy twists and turns timely by controlling economic life. Government should not only be responsible for the growth and development, private sector should also participate. Private sector can help by improving performance and productivity. They can merge small private enterprises to make large productive unit and can increase competition. Meanwhile, Government should work with social and business organization to achieve different goals. (Paulo, 2004) On the security end, UAE has signed many defense treaties with western powers like US, Britain, France and have strong defense relations with closer nations and number of other nations. With the time there is change in thinking of people in UAE, because of positive changes brought by Dubai in field of business development. Even it has become an example for other emirates. Younger generations of UAE are leading him and are the decision makers. Their inputs are making remarkable changes in the commercial and infrastructural sectors. The younger generation is directly related to ruling families. (THE UAE The Challenge Of Globalisation Part 19., 2002) Conclusion United Arab Emirates is greatly influenced by Globalization. It has actively participated in the process by providing favorable environment for business and foreign investment. They also have broaden their imports and export market with increase in the number of countries. This also helped UAE in development of infrastructure of the country. Some economic techniques like outsourcing, insourcing and offshoring helped him to develop good business relations with other countries which indirectly are influenced by the globalization. Globalization also leads to openness of country which can make negative impact as in terms of culture and tradition. Government need to manage the flow of foreign investment in order to have economic stability. (Effect of Globalization on United Arab Emirates Market) From 1990 to 2003 volume of trade has been increased and high and middle income countries had made their share in world trade, this became possible only because of globalization. Globalization cannot be taken as a solution to everything. It hardly provides any opportunities, countries who have taken advantage are flourishing who donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t are sinking. Countries with right mindset can produce equality of outcome with globalization. The low income countries need international assistance and support to participate in Globalization It demands the collective action of all the countries in the world. (Viswanathan, 2008)